Congratulations, you've graduated!
You have a job and an income at last, but you haven’t thought about how to plan your financial life yet:
Fail to Plan = Plan to Fail!
The more assets you have in the future, the more opportunities you will have to live your best life.
Well, look no further, everything you need is here and the good news is that it is pretty simple!
3 simple steps from ‘Grad Rags to Riches’:
Save: Spend less than you earn. Set up a simple budget, pay yourself first automatically. Spend intentionally and avoid lifestyle creep.
Protect: Your family and your wealth so that it does not disappear overnight.
Invest: Be effective, keeping costs and tax low, and benefit from the magic of compound interest. Over the last decade, the investment world has changed significantly and now everybody has access to wealth creation tools that only the wealthy had access to in the past. It is now significantly easier.
Simply by spending a little time forming a plan and carrying out a few simple steps, you will ensure that you reach Financial Independence and have the ability to Retire Early (F.I.R.E) or choose the type of life you want to lead! It's not rocket science - go for it!
If you are new to Grad Rags to Riches, everything you need to know to put your financial plan in place to become wealthy is contained in the first 10 posts and is summarised in post 11: 3 Simple Steps to Wealth.
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This blog is for education to help readers take control of their own financial life. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that information is accurate, it is not personalised to your specific needs and should not be taken as a financial recommendation.